Friday, November 7, 2008

Tag, tag

hari ini, aku nak melangsaikan hutang tag aku. banyak gak, tapi aku buat satu jerlah sebab tag kecik yang lepas memerlukan aku menyenaraikan nama-nama pelik dalam handphone aku. dalam handphone aku tak ada nama pelik-pelik. semua nama, tak pelik. ehehe tag kali nie, dari member aku, nfakh. inilah hasilnya, tadaaaa:

1. Are you a person who ONLY wears name brand clothing?
♥ tidak sama sekali, baju aku semua baju murah-murah. kalau ada branded-branded tu, petaling street marilah jawabnya. haha

2. What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
♥ kat sini aku bangun betul-betul pagi. kat sarawak aku bangun tengah hari keke

3. Are you the youngest person living in your house?
♥ nampak muda, tapi bukan. haha

4. Have you ever secretly had a crush on one of your friends?
♥ emm..ntahlah. *senyum senyum malu* wakaka

5. Do you listen to techno music?
♥ techno music tu macam mana ek? ye kot..

6. Have you ever quoted a line from the movie
♥ ada dulu dari filem 'The Notebook'.

7. Do you own a pair of skinny leg jeans?
♥ ada satu, emm..dua kot

8. When was the last time you had a pillow fight?
♥ tak pernah =C

9. Do you and your best friend look anything alike?
♥ taklah

10. Can you stand the sight of blood?
♥ boleh kot..

11. Did you ever want to be a lawyer?
♥ emm..tak pernah

12. If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard could you still type?
♥ boleh saja dong

13. Do you have a bad temper?
♥ tak tak

14. Do you have pictures of yourself that you don't want your parents to see?
♥ emm..tak ada kot.

15. Did you ever write a letter to Santa Clause?
♥ ceh..tak

16. when is the dumbest holiday?
♥ emm..dumbest? ntahlah, kalau masa cuti tak dapat balik sarawak kot

17. Who is one person you ALWAYS feel safe with?
♥ emm..banyak sebenarnya..keke

18. Is there a word that you ALWAYS spell wrong?
♥ tak ada, sebab ada dictionary keke

19. Have you ever seen any of your teachers outside of school?
♥ yeaaaa

20. What class in school did you skip the most?
♥ emm..dulu-dulu bahasa arab, pernah kena halau dengan ustaz sebab buat muka mengantok dalam kelas, pastu kena banned, dia suruh tak masuk kelas. tapi bila aku tak masuk, dia suruh orang carik aku pulak. gila

21. Do you wear more make-up than your mom does?
♥ tak pernah pakai Blush

22. How are you lately?
♥ baik-baik saja

23. who u want to answer this question as well?
♥ mood saya baik harini, lepas makan Cocopie empat biji. jadi, tak apalah. keke


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