"Why is it okay to tease someone about being skinny?
but when you call someone FAT, it's insensitive and hurtful...
Why??? Don't tell me it's different because skinny people have feelings too right? Being skinny comes with other problems as well, just because we can eat and not get fat doesn't mean it is something to be enviable about. Fat people have the choice of not eating too..."
so true man, so true
nuff said.
hahahaha. aku kurus ramping so jgn cakap jujur sangat yg aku kurus ramping t aku terase. hahahaha. hurtfull duh. wink2.
hahaha bf ko study kat ikbn ane wehh?
bf aku study kt ikbn rawang tu
stock dlm utan jgakla
hahaha weh suke duh bace entry ko yg nie. haha
panggil la aku skinny takpe aku tak terase jgn risau tau.
notes - buang la word verification tu. haha pelik2 je huruf dye
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